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The Moon Mama kit has everything you need for a luminous evening of relaxing self care.

Kit Includes:

Raw Honey Turmeric Hemp Scrub 1oz 

The organic raw honey mask is made with turmeric and hemp isolate for a relaxing and smoothing natural exfoliant experience.

Collagen Boosting Strawberry Lip Balm Sample

Peptides work to both hydrate your lips and give a natural looking boost with use. 

Sanctuary Spray 5oz

The sanctuary linen + room spray is both sanitizing and refreshing with a lovely scent to refresh any space.

PM Cellular Luminosity Creme 2oz

Potent Peptide, Stem Cell and Botanicals work diligently while you sleep to stimulate collagen health, prevent pigment disturbances and increase elasticity.

Nightly Beauty Tea 2oz

This caffeine-free blend of adaptogenic, mineral-rich, purifying, collagen protecting herbs and spices - including orange peel, strawberry leaf, gotu kola, ginger & turmeric- work synergistically to counteract inflammation and toxins, stimulate digestion and support adrenal, liver and biome health.

Moonstone Crystal


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