Ladies, gents and every iteration,

Basically all the intelligent, badass beauties....
We are new(ish). It's not my first rodeo. There's a few of us along for the ride who didn't quite realize it is even harder if the vision includes "vertical" rather than horizontal innovation (definition below), and/or knew the ebbs, flows and chasms and called shotgun knowing when a car breaks down on a roadtrip you're either in for a sh*tshow or a fantastic adventure, and business isn't that different.

I may have just realized exactly how I personally describe entrepreneurship: it is a fantastic sh*tshow of an adventure! In this industry, it's a glorious beauty business sh*tshow. Ha! I kinda feel cool right now because I just figured out one of our new hashtags. A variation of a hot mess. New hashtag: #Sh*tShowBeauty. SSB. Sweet, now I can start using SSB instead of Skin and Sky in blogposts.
Moving on....(sorry, got excited.)
This is what we're good at. This is what we know.We're so in love with the brand whose voice is finding itself as we speak, has all the magic of each creative creature involved, is rooted in Beauty, Art + Partnership, committed to doing the most right and the least amount of harm and ultimately, aiming for a seat at the great big business table with the big ol' powers to be, with all of our intelligent, badass wildness, and helping drive a revolution.

Excuse me, would you kiss the sky...? We'll smooch you right back.
NEWBIE? We look forward to the introduction! Claim your complimentary FREEBIRD trial size. We stashed a limited quantity to share.
REDEEM: Send an Email, Instagram DM, Facebook message or Text with your name, mailing address and how you found us. Easy.
BACKSTAGE: Already revamping your glow with our data-driven, esthetician-created, age-defying formulas? Do you have a few people you want to send pretty little gifts from us on your behalf?
REDEEM: Please Email, DM, FB or Text with subject line KISS THE SKY.
— A testimonial
— A picture of you and/or a #shelfie so that we can enjoy seeing Skin and Sky in your world!
—Names/Addresses for 5 lucky friends
WITH THE BAND: If SSB has weaved into your world and you are enjoying more supple, luminous skin thanks to a 60% slow down and the start of up to 30% reversal of environment + time related collagen breakdown, hyper-pigmentation and lackluster/crepeyness (data-proven after 92 days continued use), then you get it! Want a $25 credit towards a refill set for those gorgeous violet glass bottles?
-Tell us how you’ve incorporated the Brilliant Daily Antiox Body Serum and Cellular Luminosity Overnight Body Creme into your beauty rituals. Are you fully structured? Do you keep them near your bed? Near your couch? Do you mix them or use them separately? Inquiring minds want to know!
-Include answers to these 3 questions and a few pictures we can share.
How do you organize all of life’s tasks? Paper/pen? Post-its? G-Suite? Any tricks to share?
How do you weave through hectic days?
What songs make you want to dance these days? Favorite Spotify playlist?
For the record, WE WILL NOT SHARE, ABUSE, MISUSE OR DISRESPECT ANY OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION NOR INFORMATION WE SHARE WITH US. WE RAGE AGAINST SPAM. If you send us images/text, we are asking permission to use it. Make up a name if you'd like to be anonymous. Helda Garden of Mesopotania? We'll put it in "quotes" for fun.

With gratitude, brains, heart, grit + soul,
xo, mpp
NOTE: I recently listened to an Audible book called "Zero to One" by Peter Thiel + Blake Masters (little dry and aimed more for large corporations, but worthy). A piece that stuck was the concept of vertical vs horizontal advancement. By doing exactly what someone else does or did, in pursuit of financial personal profit without considering the effects on global economic abundance, innovation that creates good for many gets halted. Some people want to be on a yacht regardless of how it affects others. That party sounds lame to me. I like a yacht party with cool people, and would rather be on a raft with people I adore. Brene Brown's book "Dare to Lead" and BBC's Andre Spicer also discussed different perspectives that resonated with how I think of structure, strategy and respect. Ms. Anita Roddick, a Queen in my mind, rebelled against, revolutionized, failed, succeed, sold out, regretted it and shared her vision for changing the world, one bottle of lotion at a time in "Keep It Personal".