By Sean Willis

Now listen while we are all trapped in the house which to some is amazing however, I know a lot of us myself included are going crazy being in the house 24/7. I am too much of extrovert to even cope with it. With that being said I’ve compiled a list of great ways to entertain yourselves during this time whether you live alone or with others.
Connect with Old Friends
Just because we are in a global pandemic does not mean that you have isolate yourself from
others. If you are feeling bored, lonely, and are looking for some conversation definitely reach
out to an old friend chances are they are feeling the same plus who wouldn’t want to reminisce
on iconic moments that you have shared.
Virtual Happy Hour
Considering social distancing has been put into effect it may prevent you from meeting in
person, however, Zoom and the House party exist for a reason. This is something that my family
and I have been doing every few Fridays. It is a great way to catch up with others and see how
everyone is doing personally during this unique situation. I mean who doesn't enjoy getting
together with some friends to spill all of the tea regarding whatever tonic you choose. It may not
be normal but it's way better than drinking alone.
Listen to New Music
Now, this may sound cliché but there are a ton of new and unique musical artists out there that
don’t get enough recognition for their hard work and unique sound. Don’t be afraid to step out of
your comfort zone turn on your speaker and record players and dance around the house it not
only will reveal a potential favorite artist but also, you’ll have fun. Follow Skin and Sky on Spotify for new playlists every week.
Watch a New Series
Hey, you remember that new series you said you wanted to watch but couldn’t because you were too busy? Well, guess what you have time now. Netflix and Hulu have been such a blessing I’ve been obsessing over Hollywood a Netflix original show written and created by Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan. It takes place post World War II and follows a group of young filmmakers and actors trying to make it in show business. The series also highlights real Hollywood icons like Rock Hudson Tallulah Bankhead and Vivien Leigh just to name a few. I highly recommend it.
Stay Healthy
There are many ways to keep active and stay healthy during this time. Considering that most
gyms are closed home workouts and or virtual trainers are great for staying energized and
healthy. Yoga is another great alternative as well it helps increase mental clarity, relieves chronic
stress, and sharpens concentration. Follow Skin and Sky on Instagram, every Saturday we share self care and wellness tips and advice.
Create a Routine
Probably my favorite tip that I can share with you all. Having a routine and creating a list of things to keep you busy during the day is the absolute best method of adapting to quarantine. While you can’t leave the house. Try keeping yourself busy with different tasks whether it be taking a bath, going for a walk, or even playing a board game with family or friends. It enables you to look forward to the next thing on your list.